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Unlisted Pages

By default, the Starlight Sidebar Topics Dropdown plugin expect that every content pages in your project is associated with a topic. This is done by including the content page in a topic sidebar configuration and the plugin will automatically determine which sidebar to display based on the current page.

However, there are cases where you may want to have a content page that is not listed in any topic sidebar while still displaying the sidebar of a specific topic.

Configure content collections

Starlight is built on top of Astro’s content collections, which are configured in the src/content.config.ts file.

To add support for unlisted content pages, update the content config file to add support for associating content pages with a specific topic:

import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content'
import { docsLoader } from '@astrojs/starlight/loaders'
import { docsSchema } from '@astrojs/starlight/schema'
import { topicSchema } from 'starlight-sidebar-topics/schema'
export const collections = {
docs: defineCollection({
loader: docsLoader(),
schema: docsSchema({ extend: topicSchema })

Create a topic ID

To associate an unlisted content page with a specific topic, the topic must define an id in its configuration:

// @ts-check
import starlight from "@astrojs/starlight";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import starlightSidebarTopics from "starlight-sidebar-topics";
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
plugins: [
label: "Guides",
icon: "open-book",
link: "/guides/",
// ID used to associate content pages with this topic.
id: "guides",
items: ["guides/concepts", "guides/courses"],
title: "My Docs",

Associate a page with a topic

To associate an unlisted content page with a specific topic, you can use the topic frontmatter field in the page’s content file:

title: Support
topic: guides
This is the support page.

For example, given the following file structure based on this guide:

  • Directorysrc/
    • Directorycontent/
      • Directorydocs/
        • Directoryguides/

Visiting the guides/concepts, guides/courses, and guides/support pages will all display the sidebar of the “Guides” topic.

  • guides/concepts and guides/courses are explicitly listed in the “Guides” topic sidebar configuration under the items key.
  • guides/support is not listed in the “Guides” topic sidebar configuration but is associated with the “Guides” topic through the topic: guides frontmatter entry.